Case study

Prediction of water consumption in the city enhanced by analysis of external factors.

Prediction of water consumption in the city enhanced by analysis of external factors.

We build a tool increasing the efficiency of municipal water strategy and help water pumping station dispatcher.

We build a tool increasing the efficiency of municipal water strategy and help water pumping station dispatcher.

Supplying municipal water you can't afford to make a mistake - a shortage of water for some city institutions can have dire consequences. The inertia of the water supply system is high - as a result, you can't react quickly if a mistake is made. That's why predicting demand and the state of the water supply network can prove to be a key support in effective urban water management.

Surfer, the global market leader in SEO optimization & content tools, has invited our research team to work on its latest solution - Surfer AI. It's a tool that boils down 85% of the article search, writing and optimization process to a few clicks to give copywriters more time to refine the article and rank in Google.

Company details
Company size:
60-200 employees (medium)
Non-profit org

Water systems are intimately connected with natural systems, but Technology can upgrade water security.

Water systems are intimately connected with natural systems, but Technology can upgrade water security.

Water security isn’t only a matter of having enough water. It is also about having enough water of sufficient quality for all of the myriad ways we use water — to drink, bathe, clean, produce energy, build things, and make food. And that includes growing the food, processing it, transporting it, cleaning it, and cooking it. All of those require reliable and safe water supplies.

Nowadays, many copywriters use tools like ChatGPT to speed up the article writing process. However, these tools often create content that contains a small amount of interesting information - on top of that, it's often incorrect and completely unoptimized for SEO. This is due to technological limitations, overcoming which was a key challenge in the project.

So, as we mentioned Surfer AI is an AI writing tool designed to streamline the marketing content creation process by producing high-quality well-researched articles that closely align with target users' intent.

It is worth mentioning that Surfer were able to integrate its core optimization engine into Surfer AI. Let's highlight that we were in a great position to introduce such a product.



Scope of work

Scope of work

Our goal was to create dashboard providing
data-driven insights for station dispatchers

Step 1: Problem analysis

Step 1: Problem analysis

Exploratory analysis of the received data, projecting data-flow, identification of additional data sources and crystallization of the technical implementation of the business process

Step 2: PoC R&D

Step 2: PoC R&D

Building predictive models for inference values every 10min in span of 24h. For the purpose of PoC implementation, the problem has been simplified.

Step 3: Project closure

Step 3: Project closure

We build a production-ready solution, based on LLM models. Our ML team together with Surfer's frontend and backend specialists focused on creating a release version of the product. A well-evaluated pipeline of more than 30 distinctive ML tasks was created with 3 major technological breakthroughs in NLP released during development. About a week before the planned release, OpenAI released a game-changing GPT4-32k model that we managed to integrate & evaluate to the final solution before launch. Thanks to us, Surfer was the first company in the SEO market with this kind of technology inside.





Absorb domain knowledge

The field of urban water management is an extremely specific field with its own unique data characteristics. Part of our work was to learn about the nature of the processes and extract knowledge from experts

Enriching time series prediction with additional variables

The values of pressure and flow of water are continuously read by sensors monitoring the city's water supply, thus we can consider the problem of predicting successive values as a time-series prediction. In order to improve the quality of the model, it was also provided with external data,. which may affect the city's water resources management such as the weather or ongoing mass events.

Conformal prediction

Not only did we provide detailed information about water supply indicators but also showed how certain the model is. Confidence intervals were added to charts allowing quick identification of areas where the model lacked confidence.

Anomaly studies

The system for delivering water to residents is crucial, and absolutely no one can afford failures. Therefore, we have built a system that detects detections based on time-series data.

Same, same but different

Same, same but different

A few thoughts from our co-founder

Michał Pogoda

Co-founder at

Michał Pogoda

Co-founder at

I am proud that our team can deploy technology where it impacts our daily lives.

I am proud that our team can deploy technology where it impacts our daily lives.

I am proud that our team can deploy technology where it impacts our daily lives.

Engineers at work mainly on commercial projects.
In this project, we enjoyed the fact that we could not only test our knowledge, but also apply it to something that is useful to hundreds of thousands of people every day.

Engineers at work mainly on commercial projects.
In this project, we enjoyed the fact that we could not only test our knowledge, but also apply it to something that is useful to hundreds of thousands of people every day.

Engineers at work mainly on commercial projects.
In this project, we enjoyed the fact that we could not only test our knowledge, but also apply it to something that is useful to hundreds of thousands of people every day.

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